Counting Our Robins: 2024 Census Insights


We’re thrilled to share the latest news from our conservation efforts! Our team has recently completed the 2024 Seychelles Magpie Robin (SMR) census, and we have some wonderful updates about these special birds on our island.

Census Highlights:

  • Recorded 490 Magpie Robins.
  • Over 230 confirmed this year.
  • 198 adults and 39 young birds counted, indicating a healthy population.
  • 120 ringed birds and 117 unringed birds identified.

Territory Changes:

  • Two new territories (T55 and T56) were discovered.
  • Some birds have moved far from their previous locations, with one traveling from near Anse Parc to Anse Bambous.

Interesting Finds:

  • Territories T12 and T50 each had five unringed birds, the highest number found in any area.
  • We found 82 new Magpie Robins, with 9 discovered in nest boxes.
  • The oldest bird found this year is 12 years old, and the second oldest is 10 years old.
Seychelles Magpie Robin Map 2024 - Fregate Island

Seychelles Magpie Robin Map 2024 – Fregate Island


The Seychelles Magpie Robin population on Fregate Island is thriving, with over 230 birds estimated. We’re dedicated to protecting and studying these beautiful birds and look forward to sharing more updates with you soon.