
Last month, the conservation team had the privilege of hosting Dr Dieter Oschadleus, a professional bird ringer from South Africa, who conducted a comprehensive training session on Fregate Island. 383 birds were caught and ringed in total!

Dr Dieter shared his expertise on installing mist nets, safely removing birds from them, and handling various species with care and precision, and collecting essential data. Throughout the training, the team honed their skills in observing bird behavior, highlighting the importance of attention to detail in their conservation efforts.

Interestingly, some birds seemed to have learned to avoid the nets, showcasing their adaptability and intelligence. Over the course of nearly 10 days, the team successfully captured birds of all sizes, from tiny sunbirds to majestic tropic birds. Dieter also shared his thoughts on the importance of bird ringing in understanding population dynamics and movements, instilling confidence in the team’s conservation efforts.

These newly acquired skills are particularly valuable for monitoring endemic bird populations like the Seychelles White-eye, Seychelles Warbler, and Seychelles Magpie Robin, contributing to the island’s ongoing conservation initiatives.